As I choose the key words holes, I start to think about what a hole should be like. A big hole that contains something? A picture of some holes in really world? or something more abstract? To avoid being too abstract, I decided to focus on ‘holes’ not something crazy but just holes. So, I have to try different ways of having holes on paper. Cut out a hole on a piece of paper and put it there as a Materialization is clearly not a good idea.
So, in class I try to make a cube and give it some holes. First it is quite hard to open round holes without fold the paper. That is the first trouble. But as a test those folding would not matter a lot. After cutting out those holes, the next problem come. Even though I try to cut holes on every surface of the cube, the cube whether been too easy to break or having some side without holes. You can see it from the photos. So, I choose to have holes on paper, but in a 3D way.
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